>Rana, the grandson of mega producer and Guinness book holder Rama Naidu is making his grand debut with a film, which is tentatively titled as “Leader”. Few photo stills of Rana have hit the market and making go frenzy over the movie. Film being produced by AVM Banners and directed by Shekhar Kammula has raised the expectations to the max.
Rana is going to hit the theatres on December 24. Movie is wrapped up in its shooting part fully and post production work is known to be in progress. With not even a single hint about the story line, movie is also made under strict supervision without leakage of a single photo, either of Rana or of any working stills. The first stills which are seen in the market are making girls to loose their dil’s and go fida over Rana and to wait eagerly for release of the movie.