Ever since the news about Vijayendra Prasad, father of unbeaten director SS Rajamouli is banned by Producers Council has strike the media, there was a sense of bewilderment in public. While some thought of it as a rumor, slowly truth started to prevail and it is confirmed that producer Medikonda Murali complained on Vijayendra Prasad in Producers Council for cheating him an amount of Rs.7 Lakhs.
Well, the number of 7 Lakhs is now one more factor for disorientation. ‘When Rajamouli is earning Crores of rupees just on his brand value, why is VP doing this kind of acts bother his son’s image? What is Rajamouli doing and why he is not controlling his dad instead of spoiling their mighty reputation in market in this way,’ questioned a cine amateur who just admires Jakkanna to the core watching his blockbusters.