Tamil films always had a big market in Tollywood while vice versa wasn’t possible. True that almost all the Tamil big tickets will have simultaneous release of dubbed versions in Tollywood. From Rajinikanth to recent Karthi, these days a bunch of Tamil heroes are exceedingly doing well in our state.
While ‘Robot’ collected whopping Rs.50 Crores, this season releases like Bala’s ‘Vaadu Veedu’ reportedly collected Rs.18 Crores followed by ‘Rangam’ crossing 100 days run and recent Karthi’s ‘Naa Peru Shiva’ is sustained at BO. Finally even Raghava Lawrence’s ‘Kanchana’ is minting money for producer Bellamkonda Suresh and Vikram's 'Nanna' got rave reviews.
On the other side, Telugu flicks like ‘Dhada’ released last week fumbled while one has to see how far ‘Kandireega’ will bite the BO. With increased success precentage of Tamil dubbing films, our Producers Council members are planning to raise their harsh voice on increasing the tax on dubbing films from 20% to 50% and also regulate the number of Tamil releases in Telugu land each year.
If upcoming big season in Tollywood doesn’t bear fruitful results with increased standards in Telugu film making, then Tollywood would surely be insulted by Kollywood. Not a surprise that our audience will also divert their attention towards enjoying the minimum guarantee dubbing flicks rather than showing interest on direct Telugu flicks.