The punching one liner written by Kona Venkat for Mahesh Babu’s ‘Dookudu’ has been resounding every where in film circles. Of course you have guessed it right. It is the same dialogue ‘Bhayaniki Meaning Teliyani Blood Raa Naadi’ that was made apart of the second teaser of ‘Dookudu’ released a week ago. Apparently the line might have gone popular but a section of Fans expressed their half satisfaction on Prince mouthing such kind of dialogues which are usually written for a particular sect of mass Heroes.
‘These kinds of words suit more for those heroes who doesn’t understand the real matter in heroism. Prince has been different all the way from starting stages of career. Especially audience and we Fans enjoyed his lighter mode of dialogue delivery conveying dense meaning as done in ‘Pokiri’ and ‘Athadu.’ We don’t want the routine ‘Bloody’ dialogues as our Mahesh is known for original substance,’ said a Mahesh Fan during a causal speech expressing his feelings.
Let us see, how dissimilar Mahesh Babu will try to be in his upcoming flicks.