The speed with which Pawan Kalyan is accepting the films isn’t seen even in timing of releases. It has been nearly three months post the release of ‘Teen Maar’ but Fans does not have any intimation on release dates of ‘Kaali’ (tentative title of Vishnuvardhan film) or ‘Prince of Peace’ or the possible start up of ‘Gabbar Singh’ (as July is coming to an end).
Now, inner sources of Film Nagar have reported that official title of ‘Kaali’ will be out in September first week while there is no chance of movie releasing before December. This means, Power Star Fans once again have to adjust with a gap of nearly nine months between two releases. Producer Shobhu Yarlagadda informing media on possible completion of total talkie part of ‘Kaali’ with the ongoing Pollachi schedule is happy news to hear but what is the reason behind in taking four more months for completing post production works is yet to be known. Sorry, Pawan Fans…your wait still needs to be extended.