Tamil media seems to be very much eyeing on raising unnecessary controversies around South heroine Anushka Shetty. After the famous engagement gossip, few of the journalists have frustrated Sweety to the core questioning her about bikini of Bollywood babe Anushka Sharma. We already knew that morphing experts have posted the bikini pics of Anushka Sharma on net and popularized the same.
Journalists repeatedly questioned Anushka Shetty on these pics trying to raise some spice in subject. Frustrated Sweety replied, ‘Why can’t you see the difference between Anushka Sharma and Anushka Shetty? Why don’t you observe the difference in both of our faces? It is minimum knowledge for a journalist to differentiate between Shetty and Sharma.’ Poor Sweety is troubled by Sharma’s morphed bikini. On the other side, Anushka Sharma remained silent on this total issue.