Telangana Siddhantha Kartha Kothapalli Jayashankar is an unforgettable name in the movement for separate statehood of Telangana. Although he passed away recently giving a new impetus to the struggle, the new film ‘Kolimi’ based on Telangana subject is creating immense interest in audience with the character of Ramyakrishna. Yes, director Nagendra however got Shivaji as hero in the film acting like a student union leader has also successfully pulled Ramyakrishna to play the role of a Professor who stimulates students into the agitation.
Inner sources say, there is every possibility that character of Ramyakrishna is inspired by Jayashankar who became a god for Telangana people. If ‘Kolimi’ becomes a hit like ‘Jai Bolo Telangana’ then Ramyakrishna might win a new Fan following in this part of AP.