The sizzling aunty in film circles with no shy attitude is Ramyasri. Popularly called as Ozomen Aunty in Tollywood, she made a shocking entry on the launch of ‘Damarukam’ movie two days ago. Although reason for Ramyasri’s presence at the event was her close association with director Srinivas Reddy (remember the hot exposing in Bommana Brothers Chandana Sisters), it is gossiped that she is trying to congratulate Nagarjuna on ‘Damarukam’ and please him to bag an offer in this prestigious project.
Srinivas Reddy always offered a role for Ramyasri in his films and she tried her best to prove her presence exposing the hot assets with tempting expressions. Apparently Ramyasri was missing in the prime focus from some time and invitation from Srinivas Reddy to attend the ‘Damarukam’ launch shined her once again in favorite gossips section.
Click this link to view ‘Damarukam’ opening gallery.