Allu Sirish, the young boy from Mega compound is unleashing the creative taste in him very often these days showing it on Twitter. The recent one was on Pawan Kalayan’s all time favorite Che Guevara. Yes, Allu Sirish has posted a transformed pic of Che Guevara where in the face of Brahmanandam was inserted, named it as Che Brahmevara and made it as his display pic on Twitter.
‘I have changed my display pic 2 "Che Brahmevara" dedicated 2 my all time favorite! I am sorry if it offended in any way. It isn't meant to put down Che Guevara, but just an ode to my fav comedian,’ tweets Allu Sirish. Surely Pawan Kalyan could have irritated for morphing the pic of legendary Marxist revolutionist whom Power Star admires to the core. Better that Sirish stop these childish crazy things that could hurt the sentiments of many. When this was meant as offence by Sirish himself, what is the need of posting it on Twitter?