
Washer Men angry with Star Hero

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Washer Men angry with Star Hero
Washer Men angry with Star Hero

Title of ‘Dhobhi Ghat’ seems to have hurt the sentiments of washer men community.  Movie has hit the marquee today with a very poor response but point to mention here is that hero cum producer of the movie Aamir Khan has apologized to the washer men community if he had unintentionally hurt their sentiments with the title because Akhil Bharatiya Dhobi Mahasangh raised a revolt against Aamir.

‘I can realize that their views are genuine but I told them that I would not have chosen the title if they had approached me a year earlier. I believe in valuing the emotions of others but surely not at the cost of compromising my creativity,’ said Aamir.


Lucky element is that audience from this washer men community after watching the movie realized that the film was not about the community but the famous ‘Dhobi Ghat’ place in Mumbai.