Dialogue King Sai Kumar and his entire family is known for ‘Kanchu Kantam’ which is popular in total South film industry. Yesterday was the audio release of ‘Prema Kavali,’ debuting Aadi, the first young hero from the family of PJ Sharma. On this occasion, Jayasudha was one of the actresses who reminded her long term relationship with Sai Kumar.
‘Sai Kumar played the role of my son in my own film ‘Kali Kaalam.’ Later on, we shared good relations and few days ago, Sai approached me for the role of Aadi’s mother in this ‘Prema Kavali.’ Though, there is only one scene for me in the movie, I readily accepted it as a gesture of paying back to Sai,’ said Jayasudha.
Click this link to view the gallery of ‘Prema Kavali’ audio release.