Thandel completes the censor. King Nagarjuna son Naga Chaitanya is getting ready to create a pan India sensation with his upcoming film Thandel. The film directed by Chandoo Mondeti of Karthikeya fame is racing for a spectacular release on 7 Feb in various Indian languages across the world.
The film promotions got stupendous response from all quarters and the trailers have been released in various languages by Karthi and Aamir Khan. In the meantime it is coming out that the film completed its censor formaltiies. The film got U/A certificate from the censor board and the film has been locked with the duration of 2 hours 32 minutes.
The film is based on real life incidents in the lives of fishermen and highlights the romance between Raju (Naga Chaitanya) and Satya (Sai Pallavi) and also how fishermen who get caught by the Pakistani navy will escape from the prison. This episode will be for around 20 minutes.
The film music is tuned by Devi Sri Prasad and Shamdat Sainuddin is the cinematographer.