Renowned music director Gopi Sundar mother Livi Suresh Babu passed away at the age of 65 in Thrissur. She breathed her last at Ajantha Apartments in Koorkenchery and her last rites will be held on Thursday at the Vadookara Crematorium at 3 pm. Gopi Sundar took to Facebook to express his deep sorrow and love for his mother sharing a heartfelt message and a picture of the two.
In his emotional tribute Gopi Sundar credited his mother for giving him life love and the strength to follow his dreams. He mentioned that every note of music he creates carries the love his mother poured into him. Fans and colleagues from the music industry have extended their condolences to Gopi Sundar and his family offering support during this difficult time.
Gopi Sundar Facebook post has been flooded with condolences and messages of support from fans and colleagues. His heartfelt tribute to his mother has touched the hearts of many and people are praying for the departed soul to rest in peace. Gopi Sundar music has been a source of inspiration for many and his mother love and support have played a significant role in shaping his musical journey.
As the music industry mourns the loss of Livi Suresh Babu fans and well wishers are offering their condolences to Gopi Sundar and his family. The music director heartfelt tribute to his mother is a testament to the love and bond they shared and her memory will continue to inspire Gopi Sundar music in the days to come.