Shah Rukh message to Prabhas, Rajinikanth, Allu Arjun and Yash. Bollywood Badshah Shah Rukh Khan while celebrating India Republic Day at Global Village Dubai speaking on the occasion came up with a stunning message to south actors. He said All my fans who are from southern India from Kerala, Karnataka, Andhra, Telangana, Tamil Nadu I have a lot of friends there Allu Arjun, Prabhas, Ram Charan, Yash, Mahesh Babu, Thalapathy Vijay, Rajinikanth, and Kamal Haasan.
He asked all these stars not to perform fast paced dance moves in their films as he cannot match them on the screen. This drew huge applause from the fans of all the stars. Shah Rukh also spoke about his upcoming film King in which he is sharing screen presence with his film daughter Suhana Khan.
He said I can’t tell you much about the film but I can assure you it will be entertaining. I have used so many titles before and now we have run out of good titles. How to say Shah Rukh Khan in and as..? Now Shah Rukh Khan as Shah Rukh Khan King. I know its kind of a showoff. But since we are in Dubai they all know that a king will always be a king.