The highly anticipated teaser of Mohanlal's L2: Empuraan, the sequel to the 2019 blockbuster Lucifer, has been unveiled by Mollywood Megastar Mammootty. The teaser launch took place at 7:07 pm at the Le Meridien Hotel in Kochi, as part of Aashirvad Cinemas' 25th anniversary celebrations. The film, directed by Prithviraj Sukumaran and written by Murali Gopy, is both a sequel and a prequel to Lucifer and marks the second chapter in a planned trilogy.
The teaser promises an action-packed ride, with helicopters, gunfire, and plenty of mystery. Mohanlal reprises his role as Khureshi Abraam/Stephen Nedumpally, joined by familiar faces like Prithviraj Sukumaran, Tovino Thomas, Manju Warrier, and Indrajith Sukumaran. New additions to the ensemble include Arjun Das and Abhimanyu Singh. With its massive scale, intricate plot, and talented cast, L2: Empuraan is poised to be one of the biggest Malayalam films ever.
The film has been shot in around twenty foreign countries, including the UK, US, and Russia, and features cinematography by Sujith Vasudev and music by Deepak Dev. Akhilesh Mohan is the editor, and Mohandas is the art director. With Aashirvad Cinemas and Lyca Productions joining forces to produce the film, L2: Empuraan is expected to be a game-changer in the Malayalam film industry.
As Aashirvad Cinemas celebrates its 25th anniversary, L2: Empuraan is set to write a new chapter in the history of Malayalam cinema. With its teaser generating immense excitement among fans, the film is expected to be a massive hit, surpassing the success of its predecessor, Lucifer.