Bollywood superstar Akshay Kumar has sold his apartment in Borivali East, Mumbai for a whopping Rs 4.25 crore. According to real estate consultant Square Yards which reviewed property registration documents related to the transaction. the apartment was purchased by Akshay Kumar in November 2017 for Rs 2.38 crore. This reflects a significant 78 per cent appreciation in value over the past few years.
The apartment situated in Sky City a development by Oberoi Realty features a carpet area of 1,073 square feet and includes two car parking spaces. The transaction incurred a stamp duty payment of Rs 25.5 lakh and registration charges of Rs 30000. Square Yards revealed these interesting details after reviewing the property registration documents related to the transaction.
Akshay Kumar decision to sell his Mumbai apartment has generated significant interest in the real estate market. The sale price of Rs 4.25 crore is a testament to the growing demand for luxury properties in Mumbai. The appreciation in value of the apartment over the past few years is also a reflection of the city's thriving real estate market.
The sale of Akshay Kumar Mumbai apartment is a significant transaction in the city luxury property market. With its prime location and luxurious amenities the apartment was likely in high demand. The sale price of Rs 4.25 crore is a testament to the value of luxury properties in Mumbai and the growing demand for such properties.