Bollywood actor Rajkummar Rao is set to play the role of former Indian cricket captain Sourav Ganguly in an upcoming biopic. The film which is based on Ganguly life will be produced by Love Films and directed by Vikramaditya Motwane. While an official announcement is yet to be made sources have confirmed that Rajkummar Rao has been approached for the project and has given his nod.
Rajkummar Rao known for his versatility as an actor has already proven his mettle in playing real-life characters. His portrayal of industrialist Srikanth in a biopic has received critical acclaim and fans are now eagerly waiting to see how he will bring Ganguly story to life on the big screen.
The biopic is expected to delve into Ganguly life, including his cricketing career, personal struggles, and triumphs. With Rajkummar Rao on board fans can expect a nuanced and engaging performance that will do justice to Ganguly legacy.
As the project is still in its early stages not much is known about the film's release date or other cast members. However with Rajkummar Rao's involvement the biopic is already generating buzz among cricket fans and movie enthusiasts alike.