Samantha made her presence felt at a picket ball match in Chennai. The inaugural World Pickleball League (WPBL) is going on in Chennai and Samantha supported her team Chennai Super Champs.
Samantha was seen wearing a yellow-and-red jersey as she cheered for her team from the stands. Her presence at the match added excitement to the event.In one of the video Samantha was seen reuniting with Atlee who was present at the match with his wife, Priya. She hugged the two and even played with their son.
Samantha speaking to scribes shared “Chennai Super Champs was a no-brainer. The first team that I wanted was immediately Chennai. I had to have Chennai. From playing on the streets of Chennai to representing the city—it has been a journey. Chennai gave me my never-die attitude, resilience, and an equal playing field. That’s why I always come back and give back to the city."