Razakar, a Telugu historical action drama, is now streaming on Aha from January 24, 2025. The film, directed by Yata Satyanarayana and produced by Gudur Narayana Reddy, brings to life the tumultuous period in Hyderabad following India's independence in 1947. While the rest of the country rejoiced in freedom, Hyderabad remained under the control of its ruler, the Nizam, who resisted joining the newly-formed Indian Union.
The film explores the atrocities committed by the Razakars, a brutal militia loyal to the Nizam, and the unwavering bravery of those who rose against their oppression. Razakar deals with a sensitive chapter of Indian history, highlighting the alleged brutalities of the Razakars and the Nizam, as well as the bravery of those who resisted them. The movie features a talented cast, including Bobby Simha, Makarand Deshpande, and Raj Arjun in key roles, with veteran Bollywood actor Tej Sapru playing Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel.
Razakar has faced criticism for being a right-wing Hindutva "propaganda" movie, with some comparing it to Bollywood movies like The Kashmir Files and The Kerala Story. However, the film's portrayal of a lesser-known chapter of Indian history has sparked interest among audiences. With its digital premiere on Aha, Razakar is now available for online streaming, allowing viewers to form their own opinions about this historical action drama.
As Razakar streams on OTT, audiences can expect a gripping and thought-provoking film that sheds light on a complex period in Indian history. With its talented cast and crew, Razakar is a must-watch for those interested in historical dramas and action-packed films.