Bollywood star Akshay Kumar is promoting his film Sky Force in a unique manner ahead of its release on 24 Jan 2025. He already screened the film for NCC Cadets in Delhi and now arranged for a special screening for Union Defence Minister Rajnath Singh.
After watching the film , Rajnath Singh heaped praises on the film. He said “Joined CDS and three service chiefs at the special screening of ‘Sky Force’. The film narrates the story of the Indian Air Force’s bravery, courage and sacrifice during the 1965 War. I laud the makers of the film for their efforts (sic).”
Akshay Kumar who is delighted, thanked the Minister saying “Thank you, Sir. An absolute honour for me and the team of Skyforce that you, the CDS and the three service chiefs took out time to watch and bless our film. We’ve made it with a lot of gratitude and pride for the courage of our armed forces (sic).”
Sky Force is based on real life incidents and is based on the true story of Squadron Leader Devayya and other members of the Indian Air Force who fought during the 1965 Indo-Pak war.
Abhishek Anil Kapur is the director and the film stars Sara Ali Khan,Veer and Amar Kaushik in key roles.