Ssmb29 special scene revealed. Expectations are soaring on Rajamouli-Mahesh Babu's upcoming project Ssmb29. Mahesh Babu is training hard in various countries for his role. He already went to Africa to train with African pigmies and now he is in China to master martial arts.
In the meantime, exciting details are coming that Rajamouli is including many surprises on Mahesh Babu. Inside talk is there is a special scene which will be extraordinary and blow the minds of all. The scene will feature a wild fire attack and for 20 minutes it will give goosebumps to movie lovers on the big screen.
Rajamouli planned to make Mahesh Babu do these stunts in wild fire without any dupe. Mahesh Babu at first was not keen and apprehensive in doing so. However Rajamouli, the tough task master insisted on it and he decided to do it and take the risk.
The film is set to release in two parts and the first part will be releasing in 2027 and the second part in 2029.