Interesting combination film, Premante, was launched grandly today with a pooja ceremony, marking the beginning of a new cinematic journey. The movie features Priyadarshi, Anandi, and Suma Kanakala in key roles, with Navaneeth Sriram making his directorial debut. Jhanvi Narang, under the mentorship of Suniel and Bharat Narang, is producing the film, with Rana Daggubati presenting it under the banners of Sree Venkateswara Cinemas LLP (SVCLLP) and Spirit Media.
The film's title, Premante, was revealed along with a captivating poster that features a serene city night atmosphere, with two tea cups placed on a terrace. The movie comes with the intriguing tagline "Thrill-u Praptirasthu," hinting at the exciting cinematic experience it promises to deliver. With a talented cast and crew on board, Premante is expected to be a technically advanced production, featuring the expertise of renowned professionals like Vishwanath Reddy, Leon James, and Anwar Ali.
Rana Daggubati, who is presenting the film, sounded the clapboard, while Sandeep Reddy Vanga switched on the camera for the muhurtham shot. The movie is set to go on floors soon, with the team eager to bring this exciting entertainer to life. Jhanvi Narang's first production venture promises to be a captivating cinematic experience, with Premante expected to thrill audiences from all walks of life.
The film's cast and crew are excited to embark on this new journey, with Premante marking a significant milestone in their careers. With its intriguing title, captivating poster, and talented team on board, Premante is generating significant buzz in the industry. As the film goes on floors, fans and industry insiders are eagerly waiting to see what this exciting new project has in store.