Teja Sajja attained nationwide stardom with the super hero film Hanu-Man. The film directed by Prashanth Varma cast a magic spell on all movie lovers. He is now coming up with a film titled interestingly as Mirai. The film directed by Karthik Ghattamaneni is progressing at a break pace.
The makers on Sankranti celebrated the festival by releasing the new poster. The new poster showed Teja as a Super Yodha holding a stick in the backdrop of the ruins of a temple. The film is set to unravel the mystery that will unravel the history.
The film is bankrolled by TG.Vishwa Prasad in a prestigious manner on his People Media Factory banner. The film is slated for a grand release on 18 April 2025 in eight Indian languages.
The film stars Ritika Nayak as the female lead while Manchu Manoj is playing a cameo.