Maata Vinaali promo from Hari Hara Veera Mallu released. Power Star Pawan Kalyan's period entertainer Hari Hara Veera Mallu directed by Jyothi Krishna is the cynosure of all eyes. Movie lovers have been waiting for the song Maata Vinali ever since the makers promised to release the song.
But the promo got delayed due to various technical reasons and on Sankranti, the makers released the promo of the song. Pawan Kalyan himself sang the song for which lyrics are penned by Penchal Das and the music is tuned by Keeravani. The full song will be released on 17 Jan 2025. In the promo Pawan is thundering ' Vinali.. Veera Mallu Maata Chepte Vinali. Aa'
The film stars Nidhi Agerwal as the female lead while Bobby Deol, Nora Fatehi, Nasser, Sunil, Raghu Babu, Subbaraju, and others are playing key roles. A. Dayakar Rao is producing the film on Mega Surya Production banner. The film's first part is releasing on 28 March 2025.