Kollywood star hero Dhanush is currently working on multiple projects, including the highly anticipated film Idly Kadai. Directed by debutant Akash, the film marks Dhanush's fourth project as a director, following the success of his previous ventures. The pre-look and first look posters of Idly Kadai have already gone viral, and the latest Pongal posters have added to the excitement.
The special Pongal posters feature Dhanush in two different avatars, showcasing his versatility as an actor. In one poster, he is seen standing in a pond with Nithya Menen, getting wet in the rain, while in another poster, he is sitting under a banyan tree, holding a calf. These posters have piqued the interest of fans and increased curiosity about the film's storyline. With Dhanush and Akash collaborating for the first time since Thiru, expectations are running high for Idly Kadai.
The film boasts an impressive cast, including Arun Vijay, Sathyaraj, Ashok Selvan, and Rajkiran in key roles. GV Prakash Kumar is composing the music and background score for the film, adding to its anticipation. Dhanush is also working on other projects, including Kubera, directed by Shekhar Kammula, and the Hindi film Tere Ishq Mein, directed by Aanand L Rai.
As fans eagerly await the release of Idly Kadai, the Pongal posters have provided a glimpse into the film's tone and style. With Dhanush at the helm, both as an actor and a director, Idly Kadai is expected to be one more different film from Director Dhanush.