In a significant move, Tamil actor Jayam Ravi has announced that he will henceforth be known as Ravi or Ravi Mohan. The actor made this request on the occasion of Bhogi, a festival that marks the beginning of new and positive energy. Ravi Mohan expressed his excitement about this transformative decision, stating that it marks a new chapter in his journey. He also expressed his gratitude to his fans and well-wishers for their love and support.
Ravi Mohan's decision to change his name is part of his efforts to align his identity with his vision and values. He has also launched his production house, Ravi Mohan Studios, which aims to discover and champion compelling narratives that inspire and captivate audiences worldwide. The production house will focus on nurturing emerging talent and bringing meaningful stories to cinema. Additionally, Ravi Mohan has converted his fan clubs into a structured organization, Ravi Mohan Fans Foundation, which will work towards helping those in need and making a positive impact in society.
On the work front, Ravi Mohan's upcoming film, Kadhalikka Neramillai, is set to release on January 14. Directed by Kiruthiga Udhayanidhi, the film also stars Nithya Menen in the lead role. With his new name and production house, Ravi Mohan is all set to embark on a new chapter in his personal and professional life.
Ravi Mohan's fans have been pouring in their wishes and support for the actor's new journey. The actor's decision to change his name and launch his production house is seen as a significant move in his career, and fans are eagerly waiting to see what's in store for him in the future.