Actor Vishal recently addressed rumors surrounding his health, which had been circulating on the internet. The rumors claimed that Vishal was dealing with a serious health issue and would not be able to act in films for three to six months. However, Vishal rubbished these rumors during a press conference held on Saturday, where he even jokingly showed that his hands don't shiver anymore. The actor expressed his gratitude to his father and fans for their love and support, and assured them that he is doing well.
Vishal's clarification comes ahead of the release of his long-delayed film, Madha Gaja Raja. The film has been in the making since 2013 but has faced numerous delays due to financial restraints, clashes with other films, and legal hurdles. Despite the delays, the film's ensemble cast, which includes Santhanam, Anjali, Varalaxmi Sarathkumar, and Sonu Sood, among others, has generated significant buzz among fans.
Madha Gaja Raja is finally set to release on January 12, ahead of the Pongal festival. The film's technical crew includes cinematographer Richard M Nathan, editors Praveen KL and NB Srikanth, and composer Vijay Antony. Produced by Gemini Film Circuit, the film is written by Sundar C along with Venkat Raghavan. With its star-studded cast and experienced technical crew, Madha Gaja Raja is expected to be a treat for fans who have been waiting for its release for years.
As Vishal gears up for the release of Madha Gaja Raja, fans are excited to see him back on the big screen. With the rumors about his health clarified, fans can now focus on enjoying the film, which promises to be an entertaining ride. With its release just around the corner, Madha Gaja Raja is sure to generate significant buzz in the coming days.