Unni Mukundan, lead star of Malayalam film Marco, addresses concerns about the film's raw violence. Directed by Haneef Adeni, Marco follows a violent gangster's rampage. Mukundan asserts the film won't inspire harmful behavior, citing entertainment value.
Mukundan trusts audiences to distinguish between fiction and reality. He references KGF's success, noting no increase in violence post-release. "People understand it's a film," he emphasizes. Marco's graphic content aims to provide an immersive experience.
Marco's brutal action sequences serve a purpose. Mukundan explains, "It's a film, not a guide." The movie's runaway box office success since its December 20 release indicates audiences engage with its intense narrative.
With Marco's success, Mukundan hints at sequels (Marco 2, Marco 3) maintaining the same intense action. Co-starring Siddique, Jagadish, Abhimanyu S Thilakan, and Kabir Duhan Singh, Marco pushes boundaries.