Kamal Haasan has stepped in to resolve the dispute between Lyca Productions and Director Shankar over the release of Game Changer in Tamil Nadu. Lyca Productions issued a red card against Game Changer's release, objecting to Shankar's focus on the film instead of completing Indian 3.
Kamal Haasan and Shankar have assured Lyca Productions of completing Indian 3's leftover shoot. Talks have concluded to commence filming in March, after Kamal Haasan's US trip and Shankar's Game Changer release on January 10.
Kamal Haasan has expressed confidence in Indian 3 during Indian 2 event shows. Shankar also confirmed Indian 3 will release exclusively in theaters. With both committed, Lyca Productions is backing off, allowing Game Changer a smooth Tamil Nadu release.
Lyca Productions' withdrawal of the red card paves the way for Game Changer's January 10 release. Indian 3's March shoot commencement ensures progress on the long-awaited film. This resolution maintains harmony among stakeholders, ensuring successful releases for both Game Changer and Indian 3.