Mega Prince Varun Tej and his wife Lavanya Tripathi celebrated New Year at the Tipeshwar Wildlife Sanctuary. Apart from Lavanya and Varun Tej, even Niharika Konidela, Sushmita Konidela, and Srija Konidela also joined them in the celebrations.
Lavanya sharing the pictures posted “New Year in the heart of Tipeshwar’s jungle taught me the true essence of survival… quiet strength, fierce focus, and the beauty of living with purpose. Watching the tiger move through the wild, I learned to embrace the power of doing things my way, protecting what matters most. This year, I step into the world like a tigress—fearless, unapologetic! Love and positivity .”
Lavanya Tripathi recently entertained with the webseries Ms.Perfect and she on her birthday linedup a new project Sathi Leelavathi. Tatineni Satya is helming the project while it is bankrolled on Durgadevi Pictures and Trio Studios.