Kranthi Madhav DGL glimpse released. Kranthi Madhav is known for his interesting and thought provoking entertainers. He caught the attention of all with films like Onamalu, Malli Malli Idi Rani Roju. However his last two films, Ungarala Rambabu and World Famous Lover failed to set the screens on fire.
Now after a long break,he is coming to entertain viewers with his film titled interestingly as DGL. The first glimpse was released today and it is full of romantic flavor appealing to youngsters and genex movie lovers. Inside talk is the story is based on real life incidents.
Phani Kalyan is the music director while cinematography is handled by Gnana Sekhar. The film is produced by Ganta Karthik Reddy on Arthi Creative Team . The film is slated for a grand release in mid 2025.Fans are hoping that Kranthi Madhav will strike gold at the box office with this film.