Unni Mukundan's upcoming multilingual film, Marco, is creating a buzz in the Indian film industry. The action thriller, produced by Shareef Muhammed's Cubes International, has topped the list of Most Anticipated New Indian Movies on IMDb. With a 100k interest rating milestone on BookMyShow, Marco is expected to receive an overwhelming response from film enthusiasts across the country. The film boasts an impressive cast, including Unni Mukundan, Siddique, Jagadish, Anson Paul, and several newcomers.
Marco is directed by Haneef Adeni, known for his exceptional storytelling skills. The film's multilingual release in five languages - Hindi, Telugu, Tamil, Kannada, and Malayalam - is a strategic move to tap into the vast market of Indian cinema. Unni Mukundan's transformation into the ruthless 'Marco' has raised expectations, and fans across India are eagerly awaiting the film's release. With its unparalleled action and violence, Marco is expected to revolutionize Indian cinema, setting a new benchmark for pan-Indian films.
The film's technical team includes Chandru Selvaraj (cinematography), Shameer Muhammed (editing), Ravi Basrur (music direction), and Kalai Kingson (action choreography). Marco is scheduled to release on December 20, coinciding with the Bollywood movie Baby John. This clash has sparked discussions in the Bollywood media, adding to the excitement surrounding Marco's release. As the release date approaches, the excitement surrounding Marco is reaching a fever pitch.
With its star-studded cast, engaging storyline, and exceptional filmmaking, Marco is expected to make a significant impact on the Indian film industry. Film enthusiasts are eagerly waiting to witness the magic of Marco on the big screen. Marco is undoubtedly one of the most anticipated Malayalam movies of the year, and its impressive pre-release ratings are a testament to its immense popularity.