High shock to Mohan Babu in the High Court. Collection King Mohan Babu is renowned for his aggressive nature and violent behavior. The ongoing controversy and property disputes in the Manchu Family involving him and his son Manchu Manoj attracted the attention of all.
Following this, print and electronic media personnel went to his house to cover the proceedings. But Mohan Babu who lost his cool, assaulted the reporter and this resulted in serious injuries. Though Mohan Babu later issused a public apology through the video, a case has been filed against him.
Following this, Mohan Babu approached the High Court seeking interim bail. However High Cort after hearing both sides, gave a huge shock to Mohan Babu by rejecting his petition.
Now reports are coming that cops will be arrested anytime soon. It has to be seen how Mohan Babu react to the latest developments.