Keerthy Suresh and Antony Thattil have officially tied the knot in a beautiful and intimate ceremony in Goa. The Tamil actor took to Instagram to share the first official wedding pictures, giving her fans a glimpse into the special day. The photos show the couple exchanging vows and putting garlands on each other as their relatives and loved ones cheered them on. A priest performed the rituals, and they later posed for pictures with a special appearance from their adorable dog.
Keerthy's love story with Antony is a true fairy tale. The couple has been together for 15 years, and their love has only grown stronger with time. Antony, an engineer-turned-businessman, is the owner of Kerala-based Asperos Windows Solutions. Keerthy recently shared a romantic picture with Antony on Instagram, captioning it, "15 years, still counting, always Antony Keerthy." The couple's love and commitment to each other are an inspiration to all.
As Keerthy and Antony begin their new life together, they are surrounded by love and blessings from their family and friends. The couple's wedding ceremony was attended by their closest relatives, including Keerthy's father Suresh Kumar, mother Menaka Suresh, and sister Revathi Suresh. Before the wedding, Keerthy had visited the Venkateswara Temple in Tirupati for darshan, seeking blessings for her new life.
As Keerthy and Antony embark on this new chapter in their lives, their fans and well-wishers are sending them love, blessings, and best wishes for a happy and fulfilling life together. The couple's love story is a reminder that true love can conquer all, and their commitment to each other is an inspiration to all.