AP High Court huge relief to Ram Gopal Varma. Maverick Director Ram Gopal Varma known for his controversial posts, comments and tweets on social media got a huge relief from AP High Court. It is known that TDP supporters filed cases against Ram Gopal Varma for his derogatory and obscene posts on Chandra Babu Naidu, his son Lokesh and Pawan Kalyan during the YSRCP regime.
TDP secretary Ramalingam lodged complaint with the Maddipadu Police Station and cops registered case against RGV under 7 sections on 10 December. RGV approached High Court seeking quashing of the cases on him but High Court rejected it. Following this, Ongole Police decided to interrogate him and made arrangements.
Though police sent summons to RGV, RGV did not appear in front of the cops and sought time as he was busy with the film shooting. But RGV chose not to attend the interrogation. When cops went to his house to arrest him, RGV was not there but remained active on social media giving interviews on various youtube channels and claiming that cops did not come to his house.
Finally when he approached High Court seeking anticpatory bail,, High Court responded favourably but directed Ram Gopal Varma to cooperate with the police for the investigation.