Sobhita Dhulipala, who tied the knot with Naga Chaitanya on December 4, 2024, has been making headlines with her stunning post-wedding looks. Her cocktail-hour outfit, designed by Tarun Tahiliani, has left everyone enchanted. The actress looked like a goddess in the floor-length golden sequin gown, which hugged her in all the right places. The plunging neckline added just the right amount of seductiveness to the outfit.
Tarun Tahiliani's official Instagram handle shared pictures of Sobhita in the stunning ensemble, captioning it: "Sobhita IN TARUN TAHILIANI FOR HER WEDDING FESTIVITIES... Actress Sobhita (@Sobhitad) chose Tarun Tahiliani for her post-wedding intimate cocktail hour event. Dressed in our signature sculpted draped gown, paired with TT jewellery and a TT bag, she channelled ethereal gilded goddess energy." Sobhita paired the outfit with Tarun Tahiliani's accessories, including long dangling earrings, stacked necklaces, and a golden beaded clutch bag.
Sobhita's glam look was perfected with a nude makeup look and a beautiful hairdo that gave her that ultimate goddess glow. Her mehendi added the right amount of new-bride essence to her look. The actress's cocktail-hour look was a perfect blend of tradition and modernity, showcasing her impeccable style sense. As Sobhita and Naga Chaitanya begin their new journey together, their wedding celebrations have been a testament to their love and commitment to each other.
Sobhita and Naga Chaitanya's wedding was a grand celebration of rich culture, with the couple tying the knot on December 4, 2024. The actress shared a glimpse of their special day on Instagram, captioning it with a beautiful quote. As the couple settles into married life, their love and chemistry continue to inspire fans around the world.