The highly anticipated Tamil action thriller film 'Vidaamuyarchi', starring Ajith Kumar in the lead role, is finally nearing its completion. After facing several setbacks since mid-2024, the film is now in its final stages of production. Ajith Kumar has completed dubbing for his scenes, and the production house has shared a picture of the actor in Baku, Azerbaijan, with director Magizh Thirumeni and the sound designer.
The film's teaser, which was recently unveiled, has impressed fans and cine-goers alike. 'Vidaamuyarchi' boasts an impressive cast, including Ajith Kumar, Trisha Krishnan, Arjun Sarja, Regina Cassandra, and others. The teaser confirms that the film is an adaptation of the 1997 American thriller film 'Breakdown'. The story follows a couple's cross-country road vacation that takes a gloomy turn when their car breaks down.
Ajith Kumar plays the lead role in 'Vidaamuyarchi', while Trisha Krishnan plays the role of his estranged wife. The villain is played by Arjun Sarja, while the supporting cast includes Regina Cassandra, Arav, Sravan, Nikhil Nair, and others. The film's technical crew includes cinematographers Nirav Shah and Om Prakash, and music composer Anirudh Ravichander. With its talented cast and crew, 'Vidaamuyarchi' is expected to be a massive hit when it releases during Pongal 2025.
As fans eagerly await the release of 'Vidaamuyarchi', Ajith Kumar is also gearing up for his next film, 'Good Bad Ugly', directed by Adhik Ravichandran. With two exciting projects in the pipeline, Ajith Kumar is sure to thrill his fans in the coming year.