The highly anticipated film Pushpa 2 has taken the box office by storm, breaking several records and winning praise from all quarters. Starring Allu Arjun, Rashmika Mandanna, and Fahadh Faasil, the film has already grossed Rs. 400 cr in just two days, beating the lifetime collection of its predecessor Pushpa. Directed by Sukumar, Pushpa 2 has been making waves at the box office, with its Telugu, Hindi, Tamil, Malayalam, and Kannada versions performing exceptionally well.
On Day 2, the film's collection stood at close to Rs 100 cr nett in India, with the Telugu version collecting Rs. 30 cr, Hindi version collecting Rs. 60 cr, Tamil: Rs. 6 cr, Malayalam: Rs. 2 cr, and the Kannada version Rs.1 Cr. Interestingly, the Hindi version has collected more money than the Telugu version, with the Hindi box office standing at Rs. 140 cr and the Telugu version at Rs. 130 cr.
Pushpa 2's success can be attributed to its engaging storyline, impressive performances, and Sukumar's direction. The film begins where the first installment left off, with Pushpa Raj going through the challenges of being a red sandalwood smuggler. With its stunning visuals, captivating narrative, and memorable characters, Pushpa 2 has become a must-watch film in Indian cinema.
As Pushpa 2 continues to break records and win hearts, it's clear that the film is on its way to becoming a blockbuster hit. With its impressive box office collection and positive word-of-mouth, Pushpa 2 is a testament to the power of Indian cinema and its ability to captivate audiences worldwide.