Sukumar startling decision for Pushpa The Rule. Allu Arjun's Pushpa The Rule is creating a tsunami at the box office. The film which hit the screens on 5 December already entered into Rs 400crs club. The film which is the sequel to the blockbuster film Pushpa The Rise is capturing the imagination of all.
The film directed by Sukumar starred Rashmika Mandanna as the female lead while Fahadh Faasil played a key role. Devi Sri Prasad tuned music for the film which starred Sreeleela in a special song. Those who watched the film felt that many scenes looked disjointed and those shown in the teaser and trailer were missing.
Now it is coming out that Sukumar has taken a startling decision and chopped Pushpa The Rule mercilessly. The film's runtime came up to 200minutes (3hours 20 min) and when producers asked Sukumar to trim it, he did not heed and told them it will look like a 2hours 30 minutes film. None of them complained about the runtime.
Inside talk is when they watched the film's rushes, the runtime came to over 4hours. Sukumar chopped more than 40 minutes of the film at the editing table. In those scenes also there are many intense scenes. Keshava's role got reduced in the sequel and the climax which was extended was done away with. This extended climax had a good lead to the Pushpa The Rampage.
But with the film's runtime already over 3hours, Sukumar decided to chop them and use them in the third part Pushpa 3.