Allu Arjun team reacts on the stampede incident at Pushpa The Rule premier. Allu Arjun's action entertainer Pushpa The Rule directed by Sukumar which hit the screens on 5 December 2024 got off to a flying start with positive reviews from all quarters. However, the joy of the makers got dampened a bit as the stamped at premier show at Sandhya Theatre, Hyderabad yesterday night resulted in the death of one fan. Revathi.
Revathi's husband Bhaskar speaking to scribes lamented “Our son Sri Teja is such a big fan that everyone calls him Pushpa. We came to the cinema for him. But now, we cannot bear the loss of my wife. The situation spiraled out of control when Allu Arjun arrived, drawing a massive influx of fans and leading to the stampede. The police performed CPR, and our son regained consciousness before being rushed to the hospital. The doctors have said his condition remains critical.”
Now Allu Arjun's team reacted to the entire fiasco. The team shared “The incident that occurred yesterday at Sandhya theatre is truly unfortunate. The boy is currently receiving treatment in the hospital. Our team will personally visit the family and provide the necessary support. We are committed to addressing this matter.”