Shazahn Padamsee, the daughter of Sharon Prabhakar and the late Alyque Padamsee, has found her life partner in Ashish Kanakia, the CEO of MovieMax Cinemas and Kanakia Group's director. The actress, known for her films Rocket Singh with Ranbir Kapoor and Housefull 2, among others, is a self-proclaimed old-school romantic. Shazahn, who is also a talented singer, had an intimate engagement ceremony with Ashish.
Shazahn and Ashish decided to reveal their relationship to their parents in October 2024. In a recent interview, Shazahn spilled details about her dreamy proposal story. She revealed that she knew Ashish would propose to her, but didn't know when. However, on November 13, Ashish took the plunge and proposed to Shazahn in a private setting with beautiful flower decor and a customized photo wall depicting their memories together.
Shazahn revealed that her childhood friend introduced her to Ashish, but she didn't want to rush into the relationship. They met a couple of months later for dinner and started dating shortly after. Shazahn found compatibility with Ashish as they laughed a lot together and discovered his entertaining side. The actress is thrilled to have found her life partner in Ashish and is looking forward to their future together.
Shazahn Padamsee's engagement to Ashish Kanakia is a happy ending to their love story. The actress's fans are thrilled to hear the news and are wishing the couple all the best for their future together.