The teaser of 'Sarangapani Jathakam', directed by Mohanakrishna Indraganti, was released by Vijay Deverakonda. The film, starring Priyadarshi and Roopa Koduvayur, is slated for release on December 20. Vijay Deverakonda praised Priyadarshi's choice of interesting subjects and Indraganti's enjoyable filmmaking style.
Vijay Deverakonda shared his journey with Priyadarshi, starting from 'Pelli Choopulu', and expressed happiness at Priyadarshi's growth. He also appreciated Sivalenka Krishna Prasad's consistent production of good films. The teaser reveals the male lead's unwavering faith in horoscopes, believing life is pre-determined.
The story unfolds with comedic moments from Srinivas Avasarala, Vennela Kishore, and Viva Harsha. Intriguing plot points include Sarangapani's attempt to kill someone at a wedding mandap and his confrontation with VK Naresh's character. The film promises an engaging narrative with its unique blend of humor and mystery.
Produced by Sivalenka Krishna Prasad under Sridevi Movies, 'Sarangapani Jathakam' marks the third collaboration between Indraganti and Prasad after 'Gentleman' and 'Sammohanam'. With its release on December 20, audience eagerly await answers to the questions raised in the teaser.