Bollywood superstar Shah Rukh Khan marked his 59th birthday on November 2 with an annual fan meet in Mumbai, making exciting announcements and sharing personal updates. The highlight of the event was King Khan's revelation that he has quit smoking, a habit he had struggled with for years. The news was met with thunderous applause from the crowd, adding to the celebratory atmosphere.
Shah Rukh Khan, a former chain smoker, had expressed his desire to quit in 2011, citing his wish to spend more time with his youngest son, AbRam. Now, after years of struggling with the habit, he has finally overcome it. Reflecting on his decision, Shah Rukh Khan joked about still feeling breathless, but expressed his commitment to a healthier lifestyle.
Taking to Instagram, Shah Rukh Khan shared a heartfelt post, thanking fans for making his birthday special. The actor was seen in his iconic pose alongside the audience, showcasing his signature charm. On the professional front, Shah Rukh Khan was last seen in Rajkumar Hirani's Dunki (2023) and is currently working on his upcoming project, King, starring alongside his daughter Suhana Khan and Abhishek Bachchan.
As Shah Rukh Khan embarks on this new chapter in his life, fans are eagerly awaiting his upcoming projects. With his decision to quit smoking, King Khan inspires millions to prioritize their health and well-being. His dedication to his craft and his fans remains unwavering, solidifying his position as one of Bollywood's most beloved icons.