The critically acclaimed OTT series 'Mirzapur' is set to expand into a universe with a feature film, slated for release in 2026. The movie, created by Puneet Krishna and directed by Gurmmeet Singh, will feature iconic characters Kaleen Bhaiya (Pankaj Tripathi), Guddu Pandit (Ali Fazal), and Munna Tripathi (Divyenndu), along with Abhishek Banerjee as Compounder. Producers Ritesh Sidhwani and Farhan Akhtar of Excel Entertainment expressed excitement about bringing the Mirzapur experience to the big screen.
The film, produced by Amazon MGM Studios and Excel Entertainment, promises to deliver a grand cinematic experience. Sidhwani and Akhtar stated, "We believe adapting this treasured series into a film will make for an even more engrossing watch, allowing audiences to immerse themselves in the world of Mirzapur like never before." Manish Menghani, director – Content Licensing, Prime Video India, emphasized the platform's commitment to crafting authentic and immersive local stories.
The expansion of the Mirzapur universe into a film marks a significant milestone for Excel Entertainment and Prime Video. With its nuanced characters, unforgettable dialogues, and riveting storyline, Mirzapur has established itself as a beloved franchise. Menghani added, "We are ecstatic to expand this franchise into theatres, offering fans a thrilling cinematic experience."
As fans eagerly await the Mirzapur film, the return of Munna Bhaiyya has generated significant buzz. With its iconic characters and engaging narrative, the movie is poised to deliver an unforgettable experience. Stay tuned for updates on this exciting project.