The trailer for Bougainvillea, the upcoming Malayalam film, has been unveiled a week ahead of its October 17 theatrical release. Directed by acclaimed filmmaker Amal Neerad, the movie promises to be an exciting blockbuster. The film features a talented cast, including Jyothirmayi, Kunchacko Boban, and Fahadh Faasil.
The two-minute trailer introduces Jyothirmayi's character, Reethu, who struggles with memories and exhibits mysterious behavior. Her husband, Royce (Kunchacko Boban), seeks medical help, revealing Reethu's obsession with Bougainvillea and painting. Meanwhile, Fahadh Faasil plays Assistant Commissioner David Koshy, investigating a series of young women's killings. The trailer hints at Reethu's connection to the case and the disturbing flashbacks she experiences.
With its engaging narrative and talented cast, Bougainvillea is generating immense excitement among movie enthusiasts. The psychological thriller promises to keep audiences on the edge of their seats. Amal Neerad co-wrote the script with Lajo Jose, while Sushin Shyam composed the original songs and score. The film is produced by Kunchacko Boban and Jyothirmayi under Udhaya Pictures and Amal Neerad Productions.
Bougainvillea's strong cast, including Sharaf U Dheen, Srindaa, and Veena Nandakumar, adds to the film's anticipation. Cinematography is handled by Anend C Chandran, and editing by Vivek Harshan. With its release on October 17, Bougainvillea is poised to captivate audiences.