Prasanth Varma releases Hanu-man Japanese version poster."Hanu-man" Takes Flight to Japan: Telugu Superhero Film Set to Conquer New Territories.
"Hanu-man", the Telugu superhero film starring Teja Sajja and Amritha Aiyer, is soaring to new heights. The Prasanth Varma-directed blockbuster, which captured hearts and box office records during its Sankranti release in January, is now set to conquer Japan.
The film's Telugu version, featuring Japanese subtitles, is scheduled for a grand release in Japan on October 4th. Director Prasanth Varma recently unveiled a special Japanese poster for the film, fueling the excitement for its international debut.
Following the phenomenal success of Indian films like the "Baahubali" franchise, "RRR", and numerous others in Japan, the country has witnessed a surge in popularity for Indian cinema. "Hanu-man" is now poised to capitalize on this wave of enthusiasm, aiming to win over Japanese audiences with its captivating storyline and visually stunning action sequences.
The film, featuring supporting roles by Kollywood actors Varalaxmi Sarathkumar and Vinay Rai, was produced by K Niranjan Reddy under his Primeshow Entertainment banner. With its global box office gross exceeding Rs 350 crore, "Hanu-man" is already a celebrated success story.
The anticipation for its Japanese release is high. The film's unique blend of superhero action and Indian mythology is expected to resonate with Japanese audiences. "Hanu-man" is all set to take flight in Japan, marking a significant milestone for the Indian film industry and further strengthening its global reach.