Telugu cinema's beloved Megastar, Chiranjeevi, has etched his name in the Guinness Book of World Records, adding another feather to his already impressive cap. Recognized for his unparalleled dancing prowess, performing over 24,000 unique moves across 537 songs in 156 films, Chiranjeevi received the prestigious award from a Guinness representative and none other than Bollywood's "Mr. Perfectionist," Aamir Khan.
This momentous achievement has garnered widespread praise from fans and prominent figures alike, acknowledging Chiranjeevi's remarkable contribution to Indian cinema. The star, overcome with emotion, took to social media to express his sincere gratitude:
“My heart overflows with gratitude. This Guinness World Record is something I could have never dreamt of. But I know this achievement is the result of the trust and opportunities given to me by every Producer and Director I’ve worked with over the years.”
He continued by extending thanks to the creative forces behind his iconic dance performances: “To ALL the Music Directors who composed unforgettable songs and ALL the Choreographers who crafted the iconic dance moves. And of course, to all the audiences who have appreciated my performances over the years.”
Chiranjeevi concluded his message with a heartfelt note of appreciation for everyone who has supported his journey: “My sincere thanks to my friends, colleagues, beloved fans, family, industry peers, politicians, journalists, and every well-wisher for your unwavering love and support. No words can truly express my gratitude!”
In a special post written in Telugu, the Megastar dedicated the record to everyone who cherished his dance performances, emphasizing the importance of their support in achieving this milestone.
On the professional front, Chiranjeevi is gearing up for the release of his upcoming film, "Vishwambhara," a socio-fantasy spectacle directed by Vassishta Mallidi. Co-starring Trisha, the film is slated for a massive release on January 10, 2025, promising to further solidify Chiranjeevi's enduring legacy in Telugu cinema.
This recognition by Guinness World Records not only celebrates Chiranjeevi's extraordinary talent as a dancer but also acknowledges his unwavering dedication to his craft, his enduring contribution to the film industry, and his undeniable connection with audiences across generations.