The highly anticipated sequel to the Lucifer franchise, L2 Empuraan, starring Mohanlal, is nearing its final stages of filming. Directed by Prithviraj Sukumaran and penned by Murali Gopy, the movie's filming resumed in Gujarat after a brief delay. Prithviraj Sukumaran shared a location still from the sets, confirming the restart of filming.
Prithviraj Sukumaran, juggling his acting and filmmaking careers, recently wrapped up his Hindi film project and dove back into L2 Empuraan. The Gujarat schedule, halted due to heavy rains, is now underway. The director's Instagram post revealed the crew setting up a night sequence on an unfinished building's rooftop.
Mohanlal opened up about the film's shooting plans in a recent interview, revealing that over 250 crew members are involved in the Gujarat schedule. The team is filming both flashback and present portions at a palatial property, with additional locations in Mumbai, Hyderabad, and Dubai. With the Gujarat schedule expected to wrap up by September 2024's end, fans eagerly await updates on the film's progress.
As L2 Empuraan inches closer to completion, excitement builds around Mohanlal's return to the iconic role. Prithviraj Sukumaran's direction and Murali Gopy's script promise an unforgettable cinematic experience. With its massive sets and extensive locations, L2 Empuraan is poised to be a visual spectacle.