Director S Shankar, known for his visually stunning and impactful films, has taken a firm stance against the unauthorized use of scenes from the iconic Tamil novel "Nava Yuga Nayagan Vel Paari". Having acquired the copyright to the novel by S Venkatesan, Shankar expressed his dismay at the blatant disregard for creative ownership displayed by several filmmakers.
In a strong statement posted on X, Shankar declared, "As the copyright holder of Su. Venkatesan's iconic Tamil novel "Nava Yuga Nayagan Vel Paari", I'm disturbed to see key scenes being ripped off & used without permission in many movies. Really upset to see important key scene from the novel in a recent movie trailer. Kindly refrain from using the scenes from the novel in movies, web series and any medium. Respect creators' rights! Refrain from Unauthorized adaptations of scenes, Refrain from infringement or face legal action!"
Shankar's announcement follows his earlier reveal during the promotions of "Indian 2", where he shared his admiration for the novel and his ambition to adapt it into a three-part film franchise. The filmmaker expressed his desire to remain faithful to the original content and is currently in the process of casting for the project.
Despite the controversy, Shankar remains busy with the upcoming release of "Game Changer", starring Ram Charan and Kiara Advani.