Tamil cinema's versatile actor Dhanush is shifting gears, prioritizing direction alongside his acting career. Following his successful directorial ventures, Pa Paandi and Raayan, and the upcoming Nilavuku Enmel Ennadi Kobam, Dhanush has commenced work on his next project, reportedly titled Idli Kadai.
This new film is speculated to boast a star-studded cast, including Dhanush himself, Nithya Menen, Arun Vijay, Ashok Selvan, and Rajkiran. GV Prakash is expected to score the music, with filming already underway. Although an official announcement is pending, the project's excitement is building among fans.
Dhanush's directorial prowess has been evident in his previous works, and Idli Kadai promises to be another notable addition to his portfolio. Meanwhile, the actor has multiple projects lined up, including D52 under Dawn Pictures banner, Sekhar Kammula's Kubera alongside Nagarjuna and Rashmika Mandanna, and Tere Ishk Mein with director Aanand L Rai.
As Dhanush navigates his dual roles as actor and director, his fans eagerly anticipate the official announcement of Idli Kadai and its release. With his diverse projects, Dhanush solidifies his position as one of Tamil cinema's busiest and most talented artists, consistently pushing boundaries in the industry.